For years, I thought being a leader meant having all the answers. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
💡 The truth is that the smartest people in your organisation aren’t waiting for instructions. They’re waiting for opportunities to lead.
Here’s how I shifted my leadership approach to empower my team:⤵️
➡️ 1. Hire for potential, not just experience.
Smart people thrive in environments where they can learn and grow. Look for those who bring fresh ideas, not just a proven track record.
➡️ 2. Create space for autonomy.
Instead of giving step-by-step instructions, define the destination and let your team figure out the best route to get there. It’s incredible what happens when you trust people to own their decisions.
➡️ 3. Ask, don’t tell.
The most powerful question I’ve learned to ask is, “What do you think?” It’s simple but invites creativity and ensures every voice is heard.
➡️ 4. Get comfortable with being challenged.
A great hire will tell you when they disagree. That’s not disrespect; it’s innovation knocking at your door.
⁉️ Here’s the twist: As leaders, we often think we’re empowering our teams, but how often are we unintentionally holding them back?
🔎 Real leadership isn’t about being the smartest person in the room. It’s about building a room full of people smarter than you and letting them shine.- Ali Aydan
“It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do. We hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” – Steve Jobs