Ali Aydan The only true way to grow

Ali Aydan: The only true way to grow? Make mistakes.

I’ve made plenty of mistakes.

Some were small, like forgetting to loop someone into an email chain. Others were much bigger, decisions that cost time, money, and sleepless nights.

But I wouldn’t be where I am today without those missteps.

Mistakes are your greatest teacher. Here’s why:

1️Mistakes reveal the gaps.
When you mess up, it forces you to face uncomfortable truths.

2️They teach resilience.
The first time I made a costly error, I thought it was the end of the world. It wasn’t. Each mistake taught me to bounce back faster and stronger.

3️Successes rarely teach you anything.
When everything’s going well, you’re not forced to reflect. True growth happens in the tough moments when you’re cleaning up a mistake.

A question I always ask my team after something goes wrong is, “What did we learn?” Because if we’re learning, we’re growing.

Mistakes aren’t failures; they’re feedback. But only if you choose to look at them that way.

What’s one mistake that taught you a lesson you’ll never forget? – Ali Aydan

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